Seems like @Thomas Claburn was asked to write about Apple's app store pricing policy, and while that maybe wasn't the worst thing to happen to him that day, it certainly didn't make anything any better.

The Register: Apple lets devs charge up to $10,000 per app (Thomas Claburn)

(Nitter addon enabled: Twitter links via

Didn't try vanity searching myself for quite a while, but I must say I'm very pleased that the duckduckgo results are all me (apart from my dead namesake) and give a relatively flattering view of my interests. The google results are much worse. Shame about the swastika, I didn't notice that at the time, but at least it's in a relatively benign orientation.


Schneier on Security

2022-12-05 12:10:48



This is an actual CAPTCHA I was shown when trying to log into PayPal.


As an actual human and not a bot, I had no idea how to answer. Is this a joke? (Seems not.) Is it a Magritte-like existential question? (It’s not a bicycle. It’s a drawing of a bicycle. Actually, it’s a photograph of a drawing of a bicycle. No, it’s really a computer image of a photograph of a drawing of a bicycle.) Am I overthinking this? (Definitely.) I stared at the screen, paralyzed, for way too long.

It’s probably the best CAPTCHA I have ever encountered; a computer would have just answered.

(In the end, I I treated the drawing as a real bicycle and selected the appropriate squares…and it seemed to like that.)

Tags: authentication, captchas

Posted on December 5, 2022 at 7:10 AM11 Comments

Retrieved 2022-12-05:

People coming from Twitter might wonder why the limit is 500 not 280 chars? The extra space is for two additional sentences, one anticipating the counterpoint, the other acknowledging your point's limitations. Mind you, that might just be the preference of the minority who were here before the #TwitterMigration. And it only applies when you're trying to make a point. #feditips
2 1

Conset Bay, Barbados

Independence Day parade, Bridgetown, Barbados

Soufrière, Saint Lucia

Why is Huawei "hoo-ah-way" and not "hoo-ah-vey", when Wuhan is "voo-han"? I mean, if you're gonna mangle it that badly, might as well go all the way. Some days this language seems more impenetrable than others 😭



2022-11-26 19:35:33

tagesschau 20:00 Uhr, 26.11.2022

This seems as good a void as any to scream into. I'm seeing people suggest that we should "let a thousand flowers bloom". No. You let a hundred flowers bloom. The number of flowers is 100.

Also, the Hundred Flowers Campaign was ultimately a crackdown on dissent. A lot of brilliant, devoted, caring people died. So if you're gonna invoke that, please ensure your post is funny.

?season first the in be to out turned Daenerys wimpy how about friends your to complain you Do ?backwards everything with you to look world the does How .works that how mystified Kinda .order chronological reverse in this reading are people most that realised just only I

Image/Photo Features – FiveThirtyEight

The Pollsters Seem To Have Had A Good Night

In this late-night installment of the FiveThirtyEight Politics podcast, Nate Silver and Galen Druke put their “Model Talk” hats on and discuss the initial results from the 2022 midterms. As of this writing, we still don’t know which party will control the House or Senate, and we may not know come the morning. But that doesn’t stop us from talking about what we do know: that Republicans didn’t make major gains in the Senate, and that the polls were pretty good this cycle.

Retrieved 2022-11-09:


Thoughts and prayers for Mastodon admins tonight 🙏
Meanwhile, over on my node:
mat@exon:~$ uptime
 18:38:13 up 3 days, 11:42,  1 user,  load average: 0.29, 0.20, 0.36

I'm almost offended...

Among the many, many fediverse features I am only just now discovering 😁, in the Mastodon followers list, I show up as a small avatar and a big empty rectangle. Is there a way in Friendica to set a background image so that it shows up on other sites?

@Friendica Support
No doubt. This is probably only priority #73 on my personal list of features I only just discovered I needed. It's just the only one I wasn't sure didn't exist already 🤣

You are standing at the railing, looking down at a lifeboat. It seems really rickety. You think, it's gonna be cold there. Let's be rational about this, that thing is downright dangerous. The ship is going down, sure, but it's not down yet. The lights are on! Now is definitely not the time.

And you're probably right, maybe! The ship will stay sorta afloat a while longer. Perhaps the lifeboat won't leave. Perhaps you can get to the lifeboat at any time. Probably it'll be OK.

Congratulations to NASA on the successful test of their planetary doomsday device! I for one will sleep easier knowing that the human race will not be permitted to survive any serious deviation from ideological correctness.


NYT > Top Stories

2022-09-27 02:13:14

NASA Smashes Into an Asteroid, Completing a Mission to Save a Future Day

The DART spacecraft completed its 10-month journey to demonstrate a technique that could defend the planet from deadly space rocks in the future.

Caedite eos. Novit enim clang-format qui sunt eius.

Problems adding infrequently-updated RSS feed


GitHub to require 2FA

Hypolite Petovan friendica (via ActivityPub)
I've been using KeePassium as a main source of TOTP codes and Matt Rubin's Authenticator for convenience:
glenn mastodon (AP)
I use Bitwarden for this myself, purely because it is so convenient and easy, and still pretty secure.

If you are looking for a simple, open-source TOTP app, there is always FreeOTP:
It has iOS and Android versions.


iPhone app?

Is there a favourite iPhone app people are using? I know this has been brought up recently but I can't find the discussion. And I know there's a list of mobile clients, but nothing to suggest any of those are for iPhone. It'd be nice if someone could update that page with a few more details, it's not much to go on right now.

@Friendica Support
OK, thanks. So what's this page? Could it be updated or deprecated or removed?
Hypolite Petovan friendica (via ActivityPub)
It should but while the node help pages can be edited by anyone through pull requests, the blog has a limited number of editors, so it usually is behind the node documentation.
1 1
Amaroq seems to have deprecated itself in favour of the official Mastodon app. From a test just now, Mastodon won't let me post a photo. But Fedi seems to work, so I'll try that.

Zigzagging around the various missile zones #MakeCirclesGreatAgain

"The net views censorship as damage and routes around it."

Nice use of ASCII art to make a point

Greens for HS2

2022-01-05 22:44:49

Let’s represent express trains with a “|” and local trains with a “/”.

Our current railways are run inefficiently, like this:

With #HS2, we’ll have a twin network with doubly boosted capacity, like this:


(Nitter addon enabled: Twitter links via


Today I realised that some young coders grew up entirely under the clang-format peace and never experienced a style war. They don't understand why grandpa keeps a loaded shotgun by the front door, they think he's crazy.

test2 friendica
post to only friends from test2 again

test2 friendica
public test from test2

public test

Photos from Valletta

fish and chips

fish and chips

In a stunning plot twist, the killer turned out to be a cop!

The case closed, Poirot turned to a more challenging mystery: which current news story I'm subtweeting.

This remake of Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs is awesome

Every time I watch this video I see something new. Clippy hangs himself from a directory tree. That's an omen, right there.…

Looking forward to weeks and weeks of the German news mispronouncing the word "Brisbane".

@Friendica Developers I'm trying to figure out how to run the unit tests and not having much luck. The documentation is a bit light. So far I'm here:
admin@test1:/var/www/friendica $ phpunit ./tests/src/Console/ConfigConsoleTest.php
PHP Fatal error:  Uncaught Error: Class 'Friendica\Test\src\Console\ConsoleTest' not found in /var/www/friendica/tests/src/Console/ConfigConsoleTest.php:32

I guess I have to set an include path somehow? But googling how to do that doesn't turn up anything that looks like it would be a normal part of friendica development. What does everyone else do?
1 1
Philipp Holzer friendica (via ActivityPub)
Try phpunit --configuration tests/phpunit.xml ./tests/src/Console/ConfigConsoleTest.php

You can have a look here . There you find all (named) steps of the autotest , explaining how the DB is initialized, which PHPUnit version is used, etc.
Perfect, thank you!
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